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Leibniz University Hannover - Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research
Hannover - Garbsen (DE)
NewSkin project partner
Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) is a member university of the TU9 group. LUH is dedicated to r...
m27 Finance GmbH (now Inspiralia GmbH)
Vienna (AT)
NewSkin project partner
m27 (now Inspiralia) supports entrepreneurs, start-ups and companies in all financial aspects in ...
Onore (IT)
NewSkin project partner
ML Engraving is the leader in 3D laser texturing on moulds. Laser texturing is the best solutio...
Nanofaber srl
Rome (IT)
NewSkin project partner
NEWSKIN Partner Expertise in advanced manufacturing and coating making via Elctrospinning & Elec...
Pôle Européen de la Céramique
Limoges (FR)
NewSkin project partner
Unique competitiveness cluster dedicated to ceramics and labelled since 2005. The European Clust...
Pulverit Polska Sp. z o.o.
Tychy (PL)
NewSkin project partner
We have been manufacturing powder coatings since 1973. We are proud of our roots. Pioneers in thi...
Reintrieb GmbH
Vienna (AT)
NewSkin project partner
Reintrieb is a High-Tech-Clean-Tech company with a focus on sustainable, high-performance propuls...
SC MGM Star Construct SRL
Bucharest (RO)
NewSkin project partner
SC MGM STAR CONSTRUCT SRL is a private company specialized in physical and chemical vacuum deposi...