SC MGM Star Construct SRL

SC MGM STAR CONSTRUCT SRL is a private company specialized in physical and chemical vacuum deposition, lithography technology, optical manufacturing, construction works in civil area and R&D activities. Activities are targeted for services, manufacturing prototypes and small series based on requirements and needs of the market customers. The activities in the sphere of construction consist in execution of clean rooms and in implementation of waste water purification systems through ozone destruction. Quality Management certified according: - SR EN ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management system - SR EN ISO 14001:2015 / ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems - SR EN ISO 18001:2015 / OHSAS 18001:2007 - Occupational health and safety management systems - CERN Supplier Code: SMSC01 - CNCAN Authorization PD/228/2013 - Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control - NATO code of economic agent - NCAGE Code: 1GSLL R&D activities reflected through national and international research projects - the promoter for technology development and new products.

Targeted industries

Water treatments, Medical device, Optics and electronics

Key interests

Optics, Nano-enabled flexible glass, plastic and metal (including flexible electronics, Photovoltaics, heat exchangers and electrochromic envelopes), Micro-electronics

Upscaling facilities

PVD and CVD (including R2R)

Testing facilities

Harsh industrial conditions


Projects for this organisation have not been documented.


Services for this organisation have not been documented.


Products for this organisation have not been documented.

NewSkin project partner

Main contact

Arcadie Sobetkii

Scientific Director