Leibniz University Hannover - Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research
Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) is a member university of the TU9 group. LUH is dedicated to research and education. The Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research (IDS) research areas cover ultrasonic technology, nonlinear structural dynamics, dynamics of rotating machinery, contact mechanics and tribology.
Targeted industries
Construction, Prothesis, Transport, Renewable energy, Medical device, Optics and electronics, Industrial Components, Packaging
Key interests
Textured industrial components (gears, seals, gaskets, pistons, shafts, propellers…), Tribological coatings/surfaces
Upscaling facilities
Testing facilities
Icing conditions, Harsh industrial conditions, Resonance testing machine, Climate chamber
Projects for this organisation have not been documented.Services
- Tribology
- The Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research has a large number of application-specific test rigs to investigate friction and wear under real operating conditions. Highspeed Linear Friction Tester (length: 4m, velocity: 10m/s, normal load: 1kN, temperature range: -20°C - 40°C), Tribometer (velocity: 2m/s, normal load: 6kN), Rheometer (normal load: 50N, torque range: 0,5nNm - 230mNm, temperature range: -30°C - 100°C), Universal linear test-rig (length: 1m, velocity: 1m/s), Universal rotational test-rig. In addition to experimental measurement techniques, the institute offers tribological simulations with common simulation software.
- Surface design and characterization
- The Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research has the necessary knowledge and experience in designing surface topographies and textures to optimize their tribological properties. In addition the institute is able to characterize surfaces using various video-based systems for a wide range of applications: optical 3D system, stereo microscope with integrated microscope camera, thermographic camera, high-speed camera.
- Vibration analysis
- The Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research is able to perform high-precision measurements with a large number of specialized laser vibrometers (3D scanning vibrometer, Fiber optic vibrometer, 48-channel multipoint vibrometer, Derotator, RoboVib, 3D vibration measurement for MEMS and microsystems). In addition to the necessary sensory equipment (acceleration and force sensors), the institute also has the hardware for vibration excitation with electrodynamic shakers as well as the necessary measurement data acquisition and processing available. This enables the institute to perform experimental modal analysis, operational vibration analysis and vibration testing.
- Acoustic measurement
- The Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research has a wide range of acoustic measurement equipment (microphones, laser microphones, hydrophones, acoustic camera) for measuring sound pressures in the frequency range from 20Hz to 1MHz, as well as an anechoic chamber (5.2 m x 6 m x 3.35 m).
Products for this organisation have not been documented.
NewSkin project partner
rotational and translational (reciprocating) applications friction wear Testing Facility surface engineering surface characterization
Main contact

Mirco Jonkeren
Project Manager