Use case

Laser enhanced surface properties (self-lubricating)

The Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT) is a public research organisation, with the mission to create new knowledge in the fields of metallurgy, metallic materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, vacuum optoelectronics, metrology, engineering materials, environmental protection and to transfer that knowledge to industry. The Institute primarily works in the field of research of metallic materials with an emphasis on research related to steel and aluminium alloys, heat treatment, surface engineering, tribology and materials testing and characterisation.

NewSkin collaborator Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT) was successful in applying for a demo-case as part of Open Call 3. The work for which was carried out in NewSkin OITB facilities in Dublin City University (DCU). As part of their NewSkin OITB demo-case, laser heat treatment was conducted on different CrVN coated samples, with different Cr-V ratio, using a laser to enhance the surface properties, namely self-lubricating ability. The main aim was to initiate formation of self-lubricating V2O5 oxide. The setup included an IPG fibre laser (1 kW, continuous wave laser) utilised for the laser heat treatment of the samples. This laser system can operate along four axes, including a rotational axis.

Working with the NewSkin OITB allows the IMT team to access the lasers and expertise at DCU to further advance their work which will result in novel nano-structured surfaces with unique features such as improved wear resistance and self-lubricating capacity under room and elevated temperatures. Nano-structured surfaces intended for use in different forming applications, such extrusion, die casting, forging, fine blanking etc. Work performed was also used to access the potential for upscaling the solution. Read more

Published on 22 Nov 14:45 (about 2 months ago)
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