NewSkin Video on surface texturing and its contribution to the environmental sustainability of industry.

NewSkin Video on surface texturing and its contribution to the environmental sustainability of industry.
Published on 22 Jan 12:45 (14 days ago) by AquaTT

EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) - surface texturing and its contribution to the environmental sustainability of industry.

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This video was produced by ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón) and presented by NewSkin OITB researcher Elias Richart (ITA Advanced materials modelling and characterisation group). It shows some of the TDM (texturing during moulding) work performed in NewSkin using biomimicry to give nature-inspired functionality to different surfaces (video snap shots 3 & 4).

Collaborations with other NewSkin OITB partners, ML Engraving and LUH on moulding and demoulding tools to create high-performance surface functionality in TDM produced products is shown in video snap shots 5 & 6. Video snap shot 7 shows some of the numerical modelling tools used by the team to achieve high-performance textures.

Results show high-performance surface functionality, such as friction reduction (up to 60% on a micrometric scale) on rubber components that could be used in seals and joints and could result in energy savings and increased durability (video snap shot 8). Another example shows lotus or hydrophobic functionality which delays the formation of ice on materials for aeronautics, also resulting in energy savings. Grips on sports equipment handles in another example (shown in video snap shot 9) of where TDM textures from NewSkin OITB can enhance grip and be more durable (less susceptible to wear).  An final example, shows how the nautical sector could benefit from this work, with composite material coatings that give improved hydrodynamic efficiencies (video snap shot 10). >> see video for more details
All in all, this video is great for exploring many different surface textures (TDM) and coatings coming from NewSkin OITB technologies that can serve many different sectors, bringing many improvements in functionality, durability and efficiencies.

For more information on NewSkin OITB partner ITA click >>> ITA NewSkin OITB page

For more success stories on innovative surfaces, coatings and membranes acceleration supports provided by NewSkin OITB across different domains (including All topics, Water, Steel ) please check-out the NewSkin OITB website here &/or other examples of NewSkin OITB use cases here

To contact the NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) Team please email

NewSkin OITB
prototype and upscale, test, and accelerate route-to-market