Advancing Metal Surface Treatments with Nanotechnologies

Advancing Metal Surface Treatments with Nanotechnologies
Published on 06 Dec 18:06 (3 months ago) by AquaTT

Thank you to all of you who joined us in Bonfiglioli this week for our event on Advancing Metal Surface Treatments with Nanotechnologies! Delighted to have this event in the EVO Plant in Bonfiglioli dedicated to #innovation in #manufacturing as part of the NewSkin OITB Final events' series. Thanks to Bonfiglioli for their warm hospitality and for offering an ideal context to deepen the results of the European project NewSkin OITB. It was a valuable opportunity to discuss the potential of nanotechnologies and their impact on tribological applications, textures and coatings, strengthening the collaboration between #industry & #research, to introduce the NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) facilities and services, our state of the art offering in the field of innovative tribological applications, textures and coatings for the automotive, gearbox manufacturing, and mechanical engineering sectors and the work conducted with our partner ML Engraving, and our Open Call Applicants; Tribonex, Graphene-XT and STS (including Simone Ligi , Paolo Giudici , Christian Kolar and Denis Romagnoli ). Thank you to also to NewSkin OITB partners ECCS and Confindustria Emilia Area Centro for organising. 
  • NewSkin OITB final event series 2024 – in-person NewSkin OITB event on development of advanced nanotechnologies for the treatment of metal component surfaces
  • 14:30-17:30 Wednesday 4 December 2024
  • Bonfiglioli S.p.A headquarters, Bologna, Italy
Among the main benefits brought by the developed nanotechnologies, the following will be discussed at the Bonfigliolio hosted event:
  • friction reduction
  • lubrication (enhanced tribology) 
  • material hardness 
  • vibration dampening. 
14:30: Introduction (Paolo Tondelli, Bonfiglioli S.p.A);
14:40: The NewSkin OITB project (Elvin Fetahi, Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, NewSkin OITB partner) ;
14:50: The services offered by the NewSkin AISBL, the OITB ecosystem (Carlos del Castillo Bonet, ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, NewSkin OITB partner);
15:30: Coffee break & Networking;
16:00: The NewSkin use cases and Open Call beneficiaries (Ersilio Lodetti & Paolo Giudici, ML Engraving srl, NewSkin partner; Christian Kolar & Boris Zhmud, Tribonex, NewSkin facility user; Denis Romagnoli, STS Group, NewSkin facility user; Simone Ligi, Graphene-XT, NewSkin facility user);
17:00: Q&A
Presentations at the NewSkin OITB Final Events Series - Bonfiglioli event

NewSkin OITB is a European funded  Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) and includes a consortium of 34 European entities (including: industrial associations, companies, research centers, and universities) and a growing innovation ecosystem. The main goal of the NewSkin OITB is to enable manufacturing companies to apply innovative surface treatments that enhance the physical and mechanical performance of their components.

NewSkin OITB Final Events Series - Bonfiglioli event