Newskin fourth Open Call presented in Enterprise Europe Network webinar

Newskin fourth Open Call presented in Enterprise Europe Network webinar
Published on 23 May 22:17 (over 1 year ago) by AquaTT

On 4 May 2023 the NewSkin OITB Confindustria Emilia team were invited to present the H2020 NewSkin project and NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed fourth and final Open Call. The webinar organised by the Enterprise Europe Network,  was part of a series of webinars to present open call opportunities to national Confindustria members. 

The focus of the webinar was to highlight the opportunities of using the NewSkin OITB facilities (by contract or *for free through NewSkin Open Call 4) to  potential SME, startups, research lab and industry applicants. During the event, participants had also the opportunity to hear the stories of two successful applicants to previous NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed calls. The EU-funded NewSkin OITB 10 upscaling and 9 testing facilities available across Europe were highlighted, together with route-to-market services (including lifecycle analysis, nano-safety assessment, business planning and networking) and the fourth & final Open Call with the deadline set on 23 June 2023.

Whether it's for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, #NewSkinOITB can help you to accelerate nano-surface, nano-coating &/or membrane technology to market. Make a first enquiry today!
  • 10 upscaling and 9 testing facilities available across Europe 
  • Open to: SMEs, Start-ups, Research labs, Industry
  • Open call 4 is now open! **Final call for free access* Deadline 23/06/2023
  • Make an initial enquiry with the team ( ) to tailor services to your needs, and be guided to fill the very short application form