Final preparations underway for our 'NewSkin Days 2023' event in Bordeaux next week
Final preparations underway for our 'NewSkin Days 2023' event in Bordeaux next week
Published on 21 Apr 12:38 (almost 2 years ago) by AquaTTFinal preparations are underway for our 'NewSkin Days 2023' event in Bordeaux next week! The team look forward to meeting you there, sharing success stories, and highlighting the 10 upscaling and 9 testing NewSkin facilities, and route to market services.
There is a great line up the programme, including other OITBs who will join us to also introduce their facilities offerings accessible to research labs, start-ups, SMEs and industry, from a range of EU-funded Open Innovation Test Beds (NewSkin OITB, #Flexfunction2sustain OITB, INN-PRESSME, #Convert2Green OITB, and INNOMEM Project OITB )
There is a great line up the programme, including other OITBs who will join us to also introduce their facilities offerings accessible to research labs, start-ups, SMEs and industry, from a range of EU-funded Open Innovation Test Beds (NewSkin OITB, #Flexfunction2sustain OITB, INN-PRESSME, #Convert2Green OITB, and INNOMEM Project OITB )
Join us to explore a variety of NewSkin accelerated technologies and market applications, such as: Friction, wear and vibrations reduction; Mass production of textures and coatings; Nano-safe facilities for nano-coatings; Scale-up/testing gas/water membranes; Functional layers: textures and coatings.