NewSkin at Optica Laser Congress & Exhibition Barcelona 2022

NewSkin at Optica Laser Congress & Exhibition Barcelona 2022
Published on 24 Jan 10:31 (about 2 years ago) by AquaTT

The NewSkin OITB team were happy to take part in Optica Laser Congress & Exhibition Barcelona in December 2022. Our partner Girolamo Mincuzzi ( ALPhANOV) presented “ Targeting Mass Production of USP-laser Textured Surfaces” in the Session: Surface Modification & Micromachining and was available to network, share and discuss our unique H2020 funded NewSkin OITB pilot scale prototyping, upscaling, and testing facilities available to all, to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative nano-surface and membrane materials and technology across Europe. 

In this invited talk, Girolamo presented strategies to target mass production of micro and nanotextured surfaces by ultra-short pulse laser, possible approaches to transforming the textured surface into smart products and preliminary results.

NewSkin is a H2020 funded Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), which supports the development and market acceleration of new surface & membrane functionalisation by nanotechnologies, generating a wide range of enhanced surface properties for commercial and personal products in different sectors. The NewSkin test bed offers users open access to state-of-the-art facilities for adding, upscaling, characterising and/or accelerated rigorous testing of advanced high performance surface functionality (such as hydrophobicity, anti-fouling, anti-reflecting, auto-cleaning, anti-corrosive, anti-icing, anti-microbial, anti-friction, hard-wearing, and lubrication). NewSkin full Catalogue of services is available here.
Please contact any of the NewSkin OITB team, to organise a meeting to discuss the NewSkin services relevant to you, how they can be tailored to your needs, and how to apply for free open access (next cut-off deadline 31 Jan 2023 (Open Call 3)). Applicants can request an NDA before filling the open call application.