NewSkin OITB at Micronora

NewSkin OITB at Micronora
Published on 03 Oct 15:12 (almost 2 years ago) by ALPHA-RLH

The NewSkin OITB team has promoted the NewSkin project results and open calls opportunities on the  Micronora trade fair - Microtechnology & Precision at the Micropolis Exhibition Centre in Besançon - France (a niche industrial exhibition for the entire microtechnology sector (including nanotechnologies) from R&D to subcontracting, up to production technologies).
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Our partners Emma Verdier and Marc Faucon (ALPhANOV) hosted a stand in Hall C and presented at the Association Club Laser et Procédés Workshop (

Romain HERAULT and Fabien ROUGE (ALPHA-RLH, le pôle français des ondes de l'innovation) had the NewSkin flyer available as they networked in the exhibition and participated in the Micro & Nano Event to promote all the upscaling and testing facilities for potential applicants.
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