NewSkin OITB presented at the 20th Triple Helix Conference
NewSkin OITB presented at the 20th Triple Helix Conference
Published on 25 Jul 13:55 (over 2 years ago)
ALPHA-RLH has participated in the 20th Triple Helix Conference in Florence between the 27th to the 30th of June 2022. The aim of the Conference was to bring together leading scholars, policy makers and practitioners from different fields and sectors to advance the understanding of the dynamics between science, the social sector, industry and governmental institutions under the contemporary challenges. The conference was divided between plenary sessions and parallel ordinary sessions during which conference papers and practical cases on the cooperation between members of the Triple Helix for innovation were presented.
The NewSkin OITB has been introduced as a successful practical case gathering industries, researchers and associations aiming at supporting innovation in the field of nanotechnologies at the European scale with significant local impacts. The audience could discover the functionning of the single-entry point, the open calls and the project's upscaling and testing facilities, thus increasing the visibility of the project. Triple Helix Florence.jfif49.88 KB