Webinar NewSkin Project : Open calls for Advanced Surface Nano-Technologies - 23 Nov 2021
Webinar NewSkin Project : Open calls for Advanced Surface Nano-Technologies - 23 Nov 2021
Published on 01 Dec 10:08 (about 3 years ago)
ALPHA-RLH was pleased to introduce you the NewSkin project and its opportunities during this webinar. NewSkin will provide SMEs, research labs, and industrial groups, free access to pilot plants for upscaling surface treatment & functionalisation technologies for mass production, life-cycle assessments, testing and validation facilities and route to market services. Up to 100 projects will be supported by the NewSkin Consortium through open calls. The first open call is open until the 31st of December 2021.
During this event, the rules of participation in the open calls were detailed by CONFINDUSTRIA. Then three Research and Technology organisations, ALPHANOV, TECNALIA and LEITAT, have presented some of NewSkin technologies available such as laser texturation of surfaces, Tecnalia's harshlab and the HiPIMS technology. The replay of the webinar is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNIXSl0tyQQ&ab_channel=alpharlh For more information on the open calls opportunities, we invite you to contact the NewSkin team: info@NewSkin-OITB.eu image.png411.92 KB