What solutions can NewSkin OITB offer the aquaculture sector?

What solutions can NewSkin OITB offer the aquaculture sector?
Published on 02 Sep 15:39 (10 days ago) by AquaTT

Looking to enhance equipment longevity, sustainability, and performance in the aquaculture sector? This was the topic of interest for many chatting to the NewSkin OITB team at #Aqua2024 last week. Thanks to those to stopped by to pickup a flyer and/or have a chat to discover what nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technology innovations NewSkin could help the aquaculture sector accelerate to market! Thanks also to NewSkin partner AquaTT for representing us. 

Co-organised by the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and the World Aquaculture Society (WAS), this event offers an exchange platform for experts from around the world interested in key technologies crucial for future aquaculture. 

NewSkin is one of a number of EU-funded Open Innovation Test Beds (OITB), designed to support getting EU nano-technology innovations into the market. NewSkin OITB helps to upscale and test solutions for the surface finishing for different materials (including steel, ceramics, composites, glass, polymers & membranes) – adding high-performance functionality such as anti-fouling, anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial, &/or anti-icing to protect, prolong and increase the efficiency of components and structures.

NewSkin OITB would be of most interest to anyone making aquaculture & offshore equipment (also boats/ships) and especially in salt-water. For example, in saline recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) where the pumps and other elements suffer from corrosion and/or fouling – NewSkin OITB facilities can be used to augment the surface to increase water filtration, pump efficiencies, anti-corrosion, anti-fouling and anti-cavitation properties (e.g. in structures, in tanks, in pumps, and/or in filtration systems). Also, for tribological surfaces (e.g. advancing moving parts without the need for lubrication). For the RAS membrane filtration part – we can enhance membranes for better performance. In addition, some of our NewSkin facility users have accelerated technologies which could be pivotal for future aquaculture.

NewSkin facilities can help characterise, test &/or upscale surface functionalisation technology which would result in high-performance surface characteristics through nano-surfaces, nano-coatings, and membranes for different materials (steel, ceramics, composites, polymers). The idea is that NewSkin state-of-the-art facilities (10 upscaling and 9 testing centres across Europe) would help support SMEs, start-ups, research labs and industry to accelerate novel nano-surface and membrane functionalisation innovations from lab to pilot scale and into production of commercial or personal products! Additionally, we offer route-to-market services, including Life Cycle Analysis, nano-safety assessment, business planning, and networking, to our OITB users. 
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