NewSkin team are at INDtech 2024 next week! Join us!

NewSkin team are at INDtech 2024 next week! Join us!
Published on 29 May 16:32 (5 months ago) by AquaTT

The NewSkin OITB team look forward to participating in INDtech 2024 next week 3-5 June Namur Belgium and in the satellite event "OITB Workshop: A collaborative strategy for the commercialisation of OITB services" on 6 June (09:00 - 16:00 CEST). 

INDtech 2024 - Science and innovation to empower EU industrial resilience and economic security. This EU flagship event brings together relevant stakeholders from research, startups, SMEs, industry and policy to discuss state-of-the-art technological challenges, ambitious European industrial initiatives, and future trends in the field of industrial technologies and consider how to better leverage and valorise research for a greater impact on European industry competitiveness.  

On June 5th, Session 2 ‘Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB): A New Kid on the Block’ is chaired by Policy Officer Ferrandez Antonio from the Industrial Transformation Unit at the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, and responsible for the Open Innovation Test Beds policy and the Hubs for Circularity policy. Antonio is joined by Franz Pirker Business Developer at i-TRIBOMAT OITB; Quentin Pankhurst Co-founder Resonant Circuits Limited - test-case partner in Safe-N-MedTech OITB; Paula Galvao Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory -membersin flexfunction2sustain OITB and safe-n-medtech OITB; Ulla Forsström VTT & coordinator INN-PRESSME OITB; and Dominik Sobczak Deputy Head of Unit Industrial Research, Innovation and Investment Agendas at DG-RTD, European Commission.

NewSkin OITB project manager Carlos del Castillo will be present at INDtech2024, find him at session 2 ‘Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB): A New Kid on the Block’ on June 5th, &/or at the OITB workshop on June 6th where he will present in Session 2: A vision towards joint service portfolios for specific markets - around setting up a common perspective among all OITBs through their Single Entry Points (SEP) - OITB strategic alignment across key value chains; supporting each other; identifying synergies for effective collaborative joint service portfolios; and making access to state-of-the-art technology infrastructure and expertise across OITBs easier - accelerating innovation and meeting emerging market needs.  

Click here for >>> INDtech 2024 program 
June 5th Session 2: ‘Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB): A New Kid on the Block’

OITB Workshop: A collaborative strategy for the commercialization of OITB services"
6 June 09:00-16:00 CEST
On June 6th, the satellite workshop is focused on catalysing the commercialisation of OITB services -  targeting stakeholders invested in advancing innovation and technology commercialisation within the OITB ecosystem. A brief summary of the workshop program is below, or click here to download>>>full workshop program & here for >> workshop registration
09:00 Opening Remarks: context, scope, and objectives of the workshop Marina Dias | Coordinator for EU funding, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
09.10 Antonio Ferrandez | Policy Officer at DG Research & Innovation, European Commission & 
09.30 Session 1: OITBs 5-Minute Pitches on how OITBs address EU key value chains and markets: services and target users   (covering key emerging markets such as clean energy, healthcare, agri-food, mobility and transport, and industrial machinery)
11:00 Coffee Break 
11:30 Session 2: A vision towards joint service portfolios for specific markets Objective: Set up a common perspective among all OITBs through their SEPs. 
  • Keynote speaker Carlos del Castillo | NewSkin OITB Manager, ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
  • Open Discussion on OITB strategic alignment across key value chains; supporting each other; identifying synergies for effective collaborative joint service portfolios; and meeting market emerging needs.
13:10 Lunch break 
14:00 Session 3: Roadmap Development Objective: Preparing common resources and uniting the OITB ecosystem.
  • Keynote speakers Lorenzo Pastrana | Food Processing and Nutrition, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory Sandrine Lebigre | R&D Deputy Director, IPC- Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites ESNA, FlexFunction2Sustain OITB
  • Open Discussion with all participants around OITBs integration strategies; Effective sharing of facilities and services across OITBs; IPR streamlined management within OITB ecosystem; collaboratively addressing any challenges for smooth integrated commercialisation strategy for OITB services
15:30 16:00 Wrap up and end of the meeting

NewSkin OITB is an EU-funded Open Innovation Test Bed (#OITB) which provides facilities to upscale/test/accelerate novel nano-surface, nanocoating & membrane technology. Our team can help research labs, startups, SMEs and industry to accelerate novel nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technology to market for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, &/or glass. 
  • 10 upscaling and 9 testing facilities available across Europe
  • Open to: SMEs, Start-ups, Research labs, Industry
  • Make an enquiry with the team ( to tailor services to your needs.
NewSkin OITB team are happy to provide access to EU-funded Open Innovation Test Bed facilities along with colleagues in:

LEE-BED (web, LinkedIn, X)                      LightCoce (web, LinkedIn, X)                          SAFE-N-Medtech (web, LinkedIn, X)
NewSkin (platform, web, LinkedIn, XNextGenMicrofluidics (web, LinkedIn, X)    INNOMEM (web, LinkedIn, X)
INN-PRESSME (web, LinkedIn, X)           Bionanopolys (web, LinkedIn, X)                   iClimabuilt (web, LinkedIn, X)
MEZeroE (web, LinkedIn, X)                    PHOENIX OITB (web, LinkedIn, X)                  TBMED (web, LinkedIn, X)
FormPlanet (web, LinkedIn, X)              BIOMAT Project (web, LinkedIn, X)                i-TRIBOMAT (web, LinkedIn, X)
METABUILDING LABS (web, LkdIn, X)  musicode (web, LinkedIn, X)                           TEESMAT (web, LinkedIn, X)
BIOMAC (web, LinkedIn, X)                     Convert2Green (web, LinkedIn, X)                Exploit4InnoMat (web, LinkedIn, X),
LightMe (web, LinkedIn, X)                     OASIS Composites (web, LinkedIn, X)          MDOT (web, LinkedIn, X)
FlexFunction2Sustain (web, LkdIn, X) VIPCOAT (web, LinkedIn, X)

>> Discover more on NewSkin page on all of the OITBs

Read more about other OITBs in the CORDIS EU research results – download the CORDIS OITB flyer and brochure