Novitom is a laboratory, leader in 3D material characterization and non-destructive testing solutions, leveraging synchrotron-based techniques. We specialize in precise, high-resolution imaging methods and various analytical approaches, making us an ideal partner for metal deposition industry. Our expertise, combined with the advanced characterization capabilities of the ESRF, SOLEIL and DESY synchrotrons, offers powerful insights into material structure, stress-strain behaviours during manufacture and use, crystal quality and interfaces determination, high resolution imaging, and more, helping to drive innovation and optimize your R&D and production processes. We would love to explore potential collaborations. Let’s discuss how we can assist your projects.

Targeted industries

Prothesis, Transport, Renewable energy, Medical device, Industrial Components, Packaging, Automotive Components

Key interests

Textured industrial components (gears, seals, gaskets, pistons, shafts, propellers…), Prosthesis, Nano-enabled water membranes, Nano-enabled flexible glass, plastic and metal (including flexible electronics, Photovoltaics, heat exchangers and electrochromic envelopes), Micro-electronics, Fatigue assessment of large offshore steel structures, Equipment exposed to harsh conditions

Upscaling facilities

Testing facilities


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Tomography Nano-Tomography Synchrotron X-rays Analysis

Main contact

Andrea Francesco CIUFFINI