AI4SMB is a high-tech software development lab delivering AI applications and results to Small & Medium-sizes Businesses (SMB) and innovative enterprises worldwide mainly in logistics, smart mobility and applied AI for manufacturers and mobility companies. AI4SMB is an EU-based IT-developer consortium and sw development shop. AI4SMB‘s customers value is its deep expertise, innovative yet pragmatic approach, and our reliability. With a solid background in AI research since years, and long-term technology partner for startups and innovative enterprises in the USA and across the EU. See /
Targeted industries
Renewable energy, Medical device, Optics and electronics, Industrial Components, Automotive Components
Key interests
Nano-enabled water membranes, Micro-electronics, Equipment exposed to harsh conditions , Tribological coatings/surfaces
Upscaling facilities
Water membranes
Testing facilities
Water filtration
Projects for this organisation have not been documented.Services
- AI4SMB – AI for SMBs
- AI4SMB is a high-tech software development lab delivering AI applications and results to Small & Medium-sizes Businesses (SMB) and innovative enterprises worldwide mainly in logistics, smart mobility and applied AI for manufacturers and mobility companies. AI4SMB is an EU-based IT-developer consortium and sw development shop. AI4SMB‘s customers value is its deep expertise, innovative yet pragmatic approach, and our reliability. With a solid background in AI research since years, and long-term technology partner for startups and innovative enterprises in the USA and across the EU. See /