Sirris is the collective centre for and by the technological industry. We offer companies three key assets to help them remain innovative: years of experience and comprehensive expertise in a wide range of industries; high-tech testing infrastructure spread across the country; and an extensive network of partners. This way we help large and smaller players in industry make the right technological choices and achieve sustainable economic growth. Within the Newskin-project, 2 labs of Sirris are involved. The OWI-lab specialized in wind energy, performs research and provides services in particularly in condition monitoring in harsh conditions and in climate chamber testing of large components. The Sirris Coating Lab is specialized in development, modification, and deposition and testing of functional and smart coatings on industrial products in real applications and harsh environments.
Targeted industries
Construction, Prothesis, Transport, Renewable energy, Medical device, Industrial Components, Packaging
Key interests
Textured industrial components (gears, seals, gaskets, pistons, shafts, propellers…), Nano-formulated paints application, Nano-enabled surfaces for energy storage, Nano-enabled elements for blades and composites, Equipment exposed to harsh conditions , Tribological coatings/surfaces
Upscaling facilities
Testing facilities
Icing conditions, Harsh industrial conditions, Climate chamber
Projects for this organisation have not been documented.Services
Products for this organisation have not been documented.
NewSkin project partner
Main contact

Patrick Cosemans
Senior engineer Circular Economy, Coatings and Renewable materials